Saturday, June 9, 2012

Types of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer has different types, which when detected early can be treated efficiently. Never be afraid when you feel a lump in your breast. Go to the doctor and have the lump assessed and diagnosed. This is a life-saving action.

The different kinds of breast cancer are :

Invasive breast cancer - These are lumps that develop in the breast tissue.

Inflammatory breast cancer - This is a rare form of breast cancer where the blood vessels in the skin of the breast are affected. The breast becomes red and inflamed.

Paget's disease of the nipple - This is a rare form of breast cancer that affects the nipple and the areola or the area surrounding the nipple.

Ductal carcinoma in situ - This is non-invasive cancer that is confined in the ducts of the breast.

Lobular carcinoma in situ - This is non-invasive cancer that is confined in the lobules of the breast.

Locally advanced breast cancer - Invasive breast cancer that has spread to areas near the breast such as chest, neck and armpit.

This pink ribbon is a symbol for breast cancer.

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